
Borderlands 2 commando build 72
Borderlands 2 commando build 72

The thing is, I'm tired of this play style/build, I want something closer to what axton was before the UVHM, when he had to cover and shoot enemies with a AR while the turret shoot and kill the enemies too, without focusing on explosive weapons.

borderlands 2 commando build 72

My play style is basically throw the turret in the field, wait for the enemies to be distracted, "trigger" metal storm/onslaught skills with the DPUH and after that I start to spam gyrojets (or rockets) with my kerblaster, and as I said, works fine. I'm OP8 and I've been using a explosive axton build, and I totally decimate enemies. I know this is unusual, but Axton is my favorite class/chracther in the game.

Borderlands 2 commando build 72